Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Boys Havin' Fun

Here we are with May almost over, and I thought I should update the blog. The boys have been busy the last month. Tommy started playing soccer (which he loves), and we bought bunkbeds for the boys.

Tom started playing soccer the middle of April. They had to start the season later, because it took forever for the snow to melt on the fields. The first couple of games were kind of cold, but it the kids kept running they stayed pretty warm. Tom has had a lot of fun playing, especially since he goes to school or church (or both) with everyone on the team. It makes it fun for Mom and Dad going to the games too, since we know all the parents. Everyone gets along, and it has been really fun.

We also got bunkbeds for the boys. We are slowly getting ready for the new baby that is going to be here in less than two months. They love their beds! To them it has been a fort, and a boat, and everything else their little imaginations can come up with. Of course it was a little hard to get them to actually sleep in their beds at first, but they are doing good now. Sometimes I can't believe how little Sam looks in his "big boy" bed. Tom loves being on the top. Of course this has posed some challenges for Mom when it comes to making beds, but Tom is getting pretty good at helping.

Well, that is about it for now. We are just plugging along until the new baby in July! Hope all is well with everyone out there in cyber-space. Take care! Love, The Mitchell's


Rose said...

Bunkbeds are fun for the kids, but they are a pain to make, even when you're not pregnant. It would be cute to see little Sam in a big boy bed.

The Vause's said...

I'm glad that Tommy is liking soccer...I wish I could come to some of the games. Sam really does look so cute and small in that bed. I bet your boys are such good friends...I love and miss them. I miss you and Ed too of course!

Anonymous said...

Bunk beds are fun - though watch out for jumpers :-) Congrats on baby in July - you are almost there! I hope you are feeling well and everything is good for you guys. It was nice to have an update....... finally ;-)


April is here and with it brings many birthday's. On April 5th Ed turned 36 (shhh, don't tell anyone), and on the 10th Tommy turned 6. The boys had a lot of fun on their birthdays.

For Ed's we went to an indoor go-cart place, and let Ed and his best-friend Darryl go racing. Ed's bosses, Jean and Vaughn, also joined them for some fun. Of course with my belly getting bigger I got to babysit the boys. They had fun playing the video games and watching Dad get his butt kicked by his friend (shhh, don't tell anyone that either).

For Tom's birthday we decided to go bowling. It was a lot of fun for the whole family. Obviously we haven't done it for awhile, and Mom had a little handicap with the stomach. Tom and Sam almost beat their Mom! It was a little embarrasing. Everyone had a good time though.

The Family Bowling

The Family Bowling
Tom Bowling

The Family Bowling

The Family Bowling
Becky Bowling

The Family Bowling

The Family Bowling
Ed Bowling

The Family Bowling

The Family Bowling
Sam Bowling